Tuesday, August 3, 2010 comments
From what I gather, blogs are starting to become "uncool", what with twitter being the new shit and all. I haven't ever been "faithful" to any blog whatsoever (I'm pretty sure there's a million blogs with my name on them floating around the internet), but I digress.

You ask me, "Sof, why the hell are you posting on your old, dead mouldy blog?" That, my friend, is a very good question. The answer is as simple as this: I felt like it.

I stumbled across my old, deserted blog (well, one of them, at least) and relieved all my (mis)adventures at sec 1 (or at least the few records of them that I have here). It was hilarious! And then I was like, daaaaaaamn. I should start writing in my blog again. So that one day, when I get old, I'll turn on the computer, type in the url and sit around laughing with my friends about my stupid fourteen year old self.

You get the picture.

Now, let me tell you about my day. Summarised in one word, it was shit. Why? I'll present you with a list
1) EE. The boringest lesson in the history of boring lessons.
2) We took height and weight during PE. Super depressing.
3) Softball in PE isn't exactly the funnest sport (I scored a homerun though! A HOMERUN!!!)
4) Recess was a bore. I don't even know why
5) SCIENCE.(on a happier note, I got 27/35 on the common test)
6) Bibiana Wong didn't acceot my baozhangbaodao, said I must do duhougan and hand it in to her by TOMORROW
7) Drama was pretty much uneventful, except for Nitro presenting us with his "instrument miming" idea
8) I have to find a motherly dress and learn the script for drama (we're doing a remake of My Mother's Chest - Vaish, Rissa, Hao Yang and TinHang are in my group)
9) It's already 9.44pm and I still have tons of crap to do
10) I really feel sick and wanna sleep

So while today wasn't the horriblest day, it wasn't too fun. Hope everyone else had a better day than me. Love everyone loads!


I suck.

Friday, August 14, 2009 comments
The last post I posted was totally two weeks ago. And I haven't managed my links in ages.

Well, so far, I've been alive. And sort of happy.

Cooked some vegetable/noodle stuff today by just adding stuff together and it turned out pretty nice.

Yesterday was really fun. Played truth or dare most of the day because Mdm Soh didn't come.

Me and Lee Hui joined TAF club just to support Aida and HUi Ling and Vaish. And also to run. And, well, I think we have a pretty good chance of becoming Mr Vilau's pets.

Klara's probably coming over today. I hope we do something crazy.

Love you all.


Saturday, August 1, 2009 comments
So, we celebrated Ira's dad's birthday yesterday. At some Italian restaurant. Well, it wasn't bad, I guess, but not too interesting if you're around my age. How can people sit around for ages eating and talking? I don't get it.

Also, holding a bbq today. For some friends of my parents. I think a few of my friends are coming too, but I'm not too sure.

My laptop isn't working too well lately. And I'm still trying to figure out what fun thing I should do next. Because I'm dying of boredom.

Mood: apathetic

(starts singing the emo song)

Also a bit emo today. Haiz...

~ Sof

I wanna die!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 comments
Why I want to die:
1) 2.4 km run tomorrow
2) Geography common test tomorrow
3) Present the chinese project tomorrow (I'm doing ci yu!!! CI YU!!! How do you expect me to say correctly???)
4) We have maths with Ms Lin tomorrow
5) There's assembly. Or something.
6) Also we might possibly do the 5 stations tomorrow for the PFT
7) Chinese tuition
8) I have yet to do most of my homework
9) Something's wrong with my blog so I can't change the colour of this post
10) I haven't played my guitar since Sunday due to extreme slackness and homework

Yeah, I guess I haven't been around much. I'm sorry.

Nothing very damn exciting - as in ELEPHANT (thinks of Lee Hui) big exciting things - has happened since my last post. So besically, yeah. Life sucks.

If I survive tomorrow...

Well, that would sort of make me famous, wouldn't it?

And oh! One good thing: I got 22/25 for history!!! Which is awesome, considering that I thought I would've failed. But I didn't! And I even got more than Aida!

Nothing left to write.


Three cheers for drama!

Thursday, July 16, 2009 comments
The best subject today was obviously drama. Duh. Doesn't matter that I simply can't stand improv! The rest of the subjects were just plain horrible.

Did I mention that they cram way too many subjects into thursdays?

Art was boring. And Mr T was like "Do you want to know what I did to 1-8?". If that doesn't sound disgusting, I don't know what does. SICK. Rapist-face!

Maths was pretty ok. Did groupwork with Tin Hang, Daniel and Jun Ho. We actually had to kick Prashat (or however his name is spelt) out of our group to let Jun Ho in.

The maths teacher again accused me of paying attention, but for good reason too. We weren't really doing much maths.

I miss Mrs Leong. She doesn't pick on me and call on me EVERY FREAKING DAY.

And I still haven't done my maths homework. Fuck.

And then there's the wonderful dishes waiting for me to wash them. Damn them all the way to hell. The person who invented this idea of parents making their kids do housework was one evil bastard.

Love! Byes.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 comments
Presented the science project today. It sucked.

Also had a common test on history. Which also sucked, because I lost the book and it was much harder than Ms Kokila had promised.

Why is life so unfair?

Had to go to Lee Hui's house to do powerpoint for the chinese project. I felt completely useless. Like I'm not doing anything at all or something.

Otherwise it wasn't too bad at all.

We have drama (as in the subject) tomorrow! Woohoo! Ms Grace and lots of fun!

Another thing : Art tomorrow with Mr Tee or Ti or T or whatever. Well, with Mrs Ng, technically. But Rapist-face will be there.

Aida (a.k.a. Bella Low), Fale and I are bitches! Yay!

That was a bit random, but we agreed on that today.

I finally got how to manage this damn blog things. I even put a cbox AND links. I was so blind I didn't see the HTML thingy. I feel like the stupidest person in the world now.

Going to go post a few words on facebook now.

Byebye ~


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 comments
So I admit today wasn't an extremely hopelessly boring day. It wasn't too bad, really.

History was... ok.

Language arts was ok too, but I think the project we're working on is too serious.

Chinese was... chinese. As usual.

And tomorrow we have a history common test, that I don't want to prepare for.

Drama was pretty boring though. Just watched the seniors prepare the "mama looking for cat" thing for some performance they're having soon. I'm so damn specific, aren't I?

My friend who's at my house right now is making a very big deal about going to another grade. She always does. Proof that Irine is crazy.

Oh, and I almost forgot! At science, some nerdy-looking guy called Mr Chen came in. And I seriously thought he was going to have a heart-attack when Daniel's group showed their video. I mean, I liked it, personally, but him... ?

And that guy actually called us "creative". Us? Creative? That's an understatement. We're not JUST creative, we're... well, very creative.

Also, Lee Hui, Starbucks is still better than Coffee Bean.

And I'm still having a hard time believing Yan Xiang watches porn.

Love you all, Bye bye!

A better day, finally.

Thursday, July 9, 2009 comments
Today was a better day. As in I didn't even expect it to be any good. I have no idea how people manage to cram all of our subjects into one day. Seriously, it felt like we had an abnormal amount of subjects today.

Drama was the only good subject. In fact, it was pretty much awesome. Ms Grace was our sec 1 drama instructor for a while, and I love her to bits! I may not be very good at drama, but I still love this subject!

And in maths Ms Lin called on me again. Three lessons in a row. Why does she pick on me so? I think that's pretty unfair. Also, I'm ALLOWED not to pay attention when lessons are that boring.

But after school we went to West Coast Park. Me, Jun ho, Daniel, Li Xian, Ying Qi, Hui Ling, Qiqi, Lee Hui, Rissa and Jolyn. Now that was fun.

After that I went to the gym. Because we have our PFT somewhen in July. Which sucks.

And then we had a damn boring conversation on msn with tons of people.

I love you all!

Not a very good day.

Sunday, July 5, 2009 comments: 1
Woke up, used the comp going on plurk, facebook and chatting on msn. I blame Rissa. She got me hooked on this socializing crap. xD

I had guitar lessons today. Let's just say I was not in the mood and I played everything horribly. And this stupid F major chord! What's wrong with me that I can't play it? It will be the death of me, seriously.

After that I was sort of at a bad mood the whole freaking day. Well, not because of the F major, more because of a headache. And I just felt pissed off. And bitchy.

I really pity whoever was near me at the time.

I hate my temper and moodiness sometimes.

Usually happens once a month (hint, hint).

Anyway, I'm calm and happy now. So nobody should be worried about getting killed.

Now I'm just talking crap.


The Tagged Quiz

Saturday, July 4, 2009 comments: 1
Tagged Quiz ;D
by Qiqi (she say I must do D:)

the person who taqqed you?


your relationship with her?
Best friends

my first impression of her?
Guai Kia. She look very... quiet, if you can say that. :D

what is the most memorable time you have with her?

the most memorable things she said to me?
i can't remember.
"Memorable" would mean I have a memory, and I don't.

if she become your lover, what should she improve on?

Eh, les? I hate people who change themselves, so there.

if she become your enemy,what will you do?
It will be BAD. Very bad. For HER.

the most desired thing I want to do with her?
How about have fun with her all the time (and not in the sick way that I just realized you can think this)

overall impression of her?
Nice, hilarious, awesome person. Who kicks ass at badminton (though Rosemary would disagree, stupid bastard)

the characteristic that you hate most about yourself?
Being way too evil sometimes, don't know limits.

the most ideal person you want to be with?
Do we have to go through the whole thing again? One with a sense of humour, or else I'll fall asleep or something.

for people who care and love you, say something to them..
You guys are awesome. I'd be lost without you (did that sound a bit too overused?)

tagg 10 other friends:

1) Qiqi
2) Rissa
3) Fale
4) Vaish
5) Kira
6) Lee Hui
7) Klara
8) Li Xian
9) Ye Ling
10) Charmaine

who is 6 having a relationship with? [Lee Hui]
Noone, so I can't tease her 'bout it.

is 9 a male or a female? [Ye Ling]
female, super duh.

what is 1 studying for at the moment? [Qiqi]
I don't know, chinese project (maybe?)

what color does 3 like? [Fale]
Would I die if I say I forgot?

are 5 and 7 good friends? [Kira & Klara]
They don't even KNOW each other.

does 2 like 10? [Char and Rissa]
I think quite ok. Friends or something.

how did you get to know 8? [Li Xian]
She is my classmate, but I think I really got to know her after captain ball try-outs.

does 10 have any pets? [Charmaine]
Not that I know of.

is 4 the sexiest person in the world? [Vaish]
If she was, she'd be on the cover of Playboy or something, and she's not, so...
Well since I don't read (READ?) playboy, I don't know.
Maybe she is, but then she must be living a double life.

are you sexy?
Sexy?Hell no.

what are you doing now?
Doing this uber lame quiz, what else?
comments: 1

Nothing interesting today except that I was with Liza and her little sister on the playground today and I banged my head on a pole. Real hard. It HURT. Liza was wondering if she should call the ambulance. There wasn'teven any blood or anything :S

So much for me thinking that Saturday would be a good day.

But, but, BUT I DID make a facebook account. As in, and account I'd actually use. So that's cool, pretty much.

Anyway, love you all!Going to go chat to Qiqi and watch South Park!

And maybe eat some chocolate or something.

I suck.

Friday, July 3, 2009 comments
I suck at updating. But that's alright. You guys still love me, right?

Right. During the June Holidays from the 1st june to the 18th june I went back to Russia. Pretty nice there. I loved it. Went to a lot of nice places and I brought back chewing gum! I'm such a damn rebel.

Today was a wonderful day.

Firstly, CIT. That's good. Except with H1N1 that's pretty much what happens everyday anyway. --"

Then, geography. Ok, so geog sucks. But, but, BUT I expected the teacher to be much worse. She was just bad. So maybe that's a good thing. Also the big bang theory is pure total shit. I'm NOT going to watch a twenty minute long video about it. That's on the same desperate level as actually LIKING any guy in this class (no offence whatsoever).

After that, Language Arts! We did gender stereotypes and parodies. I like parodies. But I hate stereotypes. Also I just remembered that I hate guys who use way too much deodorant. It stinks.

After that, conversational! Played truth or dare (glad to say me, Lee Hui and Qiqi started it). Very fun. A lot more gossip (hehe). Our class maybe one day all full of happy couple. Like Rissa and Jun Ho. Except they both deny it too much, methinks.

Science was sort of boring. Dion not feeling well. Also, Lee Hui keep talking about Amos's but being unproportional.

SDL rocked a lot. Of course we all rebel, go eat and play and everything. Annoy Aida with the strange dancing thing. Hehe.

Then me, Kira, Qiqi, Lee Hui, Rissa and Jolyn go JP eat KFC, drink milkshake/ eat icecream and buy Rissa's dad's present. Also very fun. Got one stupid moth on the wall, climb up then fall, climb up then fall...

After that, when we go home, Jolyn, Rissa and I chased out of MRT until finish milkshake. Stupid.

Talk about a lot of things today. Also do a lot of matchmaking. Very fun and very hilarious.

Love you all!

Not a very good day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 comments
Today just wasn't an awesome day for me. And it realy doesn't have to do with the fact that I didn't have coffee and chocolate today.

Good stuff:
  • IT stay in class and have fun.
  • Drama wasn't bad
  • Go home with Esther and Shakti which was damn funny
  • Talk a lot with my friends (well, not a lot, but whatever)
  • Lang. Arts watch she's the man. Projector actually lasted a few minutes more than usual.

Bad stuff (dun dun dun DUN!):

  • Maths. Sucked. I don't know how Heng yi and Aida and Kira and whoever else can stand it. Seriously people. It's MATHS. And MRS LEONG is teaching it. Zzz
  • PE. Wasn't as bad as usual, but running is still torture.
  • Science. Go on, tell me it didn't suck. I dare you. And the project we got assigned! Shit.
  • Holiday homework. I'd rather die.
  • I was sleepy
  • I wanted coffee
  • I didn't want to go drama
  • I had to narrate the video for Mdm Soh (and I only had to say 4 lines). It's not so bad, but it's not exactly my idea of fun.
  • Tomorrow CME skit!!! Die la. Hopeless.

And that's just about it. Can't think of anything more. I think I pretty much summed up my day. And Klara was texting me at random times of the day, I forgot. I just don't know if that's good or bad. Good that she bothered, bad that I couldn't text her all the way during lessons if she wasn't replying.

How about that, eh? Two whole posts, suckers.


Monday, May 25, 2009 comments: 1
Oh, yes. I know. I haven't posted for ages on any blog. I'm just so lazy!!! Yeah. So I'm starting a NEW blog. Yay me! Which I will, hopefully update. Not that I'm making any promises here.

Today was damn... fun, for a change. Usually teachers would bore me to death with their nonsensical blah, blah, blahs. Zzz...

But today, NO! Because it's a monday la! That explains everything, right? I officially LOVE mondays, as of today. Because I had both chocolate AND coffee today. Which is just awesome.

And I can't help typing in annoyingly correct English because that's just how I am.

Right, what I was going to tell you guys. Faley, Rissa, Lee Hui, Charmaine, Hui Ling, Qiqi - and I really hope I didn't forget to list anyone else - inspired me to actually start a blog. That I will update. Made me feel so guilty, you know.

Also, today was sort of ok. Went to McCafe, had coffee, had chocolate, talked to my friends and all that good stuff.

Yeah, that's it. I'm finally really happy. Because last week was more or less horrible. I fell down the stairs and a lot of other crap - definitely not very fun.

So that's all. I don't feel very crazy tonight. We have p.e. tomorrow. Run 2.4 km... I wanna die. Maybe I'll be emo and drown myself in a toilet bowl - Dion said it was the best way to die...

Or maybe not. Being alive is fun too.

Ok, this post is boring me to death. I'm totally serious (for once) too.