Not a very good day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 comments
Today just wasn't an awesome day for me. And it realy doesn't have to do with the fact that I didn't have coffee and chocolate today.

Good stuff:
  • IT stay in class and have fun.
  • Drama wasn't bad
  • Go home with Esther and Shakti which was damn funny
  • Talk a lot with my friends (well, not a lot, but whatever)
  • Lang. Arts watch she's the man. Projector actually lasted a few minutes more than usual.

Bad stuff (dun dun dun DUN!):

  • Maths. Sucked. I don't know how Heng yi and Aida and Kira and whoever else can stand it. Seriously people. It's MATHS. And MRS LEONG is teaching it. Zzz
  • PE. Wasn't as bad as usual, but running is still torture.
  • Science. Go on, tell me it didn't suck. I dare you. And the project we got assigned! Shit.
  • Holiday homework. I'd rather die.
  • I was sleepy
  • I wanted coffee
  • I didn't want to go drama
  • I had to narrate the video for Mdm Soh (and I only had to say 4 lines). It's not so bad, but it's not exactly my idea of fun.
  • Tomorrow CME skit!!! Die la. Hopeless.

And that's just about it. Can't think of anything more. I think I pretty much summed up my day. And Klara was texting me at random times of the day, I forgot. I just don't know if that's good or bad. Good that she bothered, bad that I couldn't text her all the way during lessons if she wasn't replying.

How about that, eh? Two whole posts, suckers.


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