The Tagged Quiz

Saturday, July 4, 2009 comments: 1
Tagged Quiz ;D
by Qiqi (she say I must do D:)

the person who taqqed you?


your relationship with her?
Best friends

my first impression of her?
Guai Kia. She look very... quiet, if you can say that. :D

what is the most memorable time you have with her?

the most memorable things she said to me?
i can't remember.
"Memorable" would mean I have a memory, and I don't.

if she become your lover, what should she improve on?

Eh, les? I hate people who change themselves, so there.

if she become your enemy,what will you do?
It will be BAD. Very bad. For HER.

the most desired thing I want to do with her?
How about have fun with her all the time (and not in the sick way that I just realized you can think this)

overall impression of her?
Nice, hilarious, awesome person. Who kicks ass at badminton (though Rosemary would disagree, stupid bastard)

the characteristic that you hate most about yourself?
Being way too evil sometimes, don't know limits.

the most ideal person you want to be with?
Do we have to go through the whole thing again? One with a sense of humour, or else I'll fall asleep or something.

for people who care and love you, say something to them..
You guys are awesome. I'd be lost without you (did that sound a bit too overused?)

tagg 10 other friends:

1) Qiqi
2) Rissa
3) Fale
4) Vaish
5) Kira
6) Lee Hui
7) Klara
8) Li Xian
9) Ye Ling
10) Charmaine

who is 6 having a relationship with? [Lee Hui]
Noone, so I can't tease her 'bout it.

is 9 a male or a female? [Ye Ling]
female, super duh.

what is 1 studying for at the moment? [Qiqi]
I don't know, chinese project (maybe?)

what color does 3 like? [Fale]
Would I die if I say I forgot?

are 5 and 7 good friends? [Kira & Klara]
They don't even KNOW each other.

does 2 like 10? [Char and Rissa]
I think quite ok. Friends or something.

how did you get to know 8? [Li Xian]
She is my classmate, but I think I really got to know her after captain ball try-outs.

does 10 have any pets? [Charmaine]
Not that I know of.

is 4 the sexiest person in the world? [Vaish]
If she was, she'd be on the cover of Playboy or something, and she's not, so...
Well since I don't read (READ?) playboy, I don't know.
Maybe she is, but then she must be living a double life.

are you sexy?
Sexy?Hell no.

what are you doing now?
Doing this uber lame quiz, what else?

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