Tuesday, August 3, 2010 comments
From what I gather, blogs are starting to become "uncool", what with twitter being the new shit and all. I haven't ever been "faithful" to any blog whatsoever (I'm pretty sure there's a million blogs with my name on them floating around the internet), but I digress.

You ask me, "Sof, why the hell are you posting on your old, dead mouldy blog?" That, my friend, is a very good question. The answer is as simple as this: I felt like it.

I stumbled across my old, deserted blog (well, one of them, at least) and relieved all my (mis)adventures at sec 1 (or at least the few records of them that I have here). It was hilarious! And then I was like, daaaaaaamn. I should start writing in my blog again. So that one day, when I get old, I'll turn on the computer, type in the url and sit around laughing with my friends about my stupid fourteen year old self.

You get the picture.

Now, let me tell you about my day. Summarised in one word, it was shit. Why? I'll present you with a list
1) EE. The boringest lesson in the history of boring lessons.
2) We took height and weight during PE. Super depressing.
3) Softball in PE isn't exactly the funnest sport (I scored a homerun though! A HOMERUN!!!)
4) Recess was a bore. I don't even know why
5) SCIENCE.(on a happier note, I got 27/35 on the common test)
6) Bibiana Wong didn't acceot my baozhangbaodao, said I must do duhougan and hand it in to her by TOMORROW
7) Drama was pretty much uneventful, except for Nitro presenting us with his "instrument miming" idea
8) I have to find a motherly dress and learn the script for drama (we're doing a remake of My Mother's Chest - Vaish, Rissa, Hao Yang and TinHang are in my group)
9) It's already 9.44pm and I still have tons of crap to do
10) I really feel sick and wanna sleep

So while today wasn't the horriblest day, it wasn't too fun. Hope everyone else had a better day than me. Love everyone loads!



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